|  | |  | |  |  | © 2012 Citigroup Inc. Citibank and Arc Design is a registered service mark of Citigroup Inc. |  | *This report has been created/compiled by Cushman and Wakefield India and this report in no way represents the opinion or view of Citibank, N.A. or its representatives on the subject dealt with herein. |  | All data, figures, information provided hereto are provided and/or collated by Cushman and Wakefield India and Citibank or any of its representatives, officers, employees or affiliates makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of any information furnished hereto. |  | The properties/projects that are indicated/mentioned hereinabove have been selected randomly for the purpose of this report and such mention/indication of the same does not, in anyway whatsoever, indicate any preference or promotion by Citibank of the same. Also, Citibank does not intend to suggest or promote any specific area, builder, developer or construction company that may have been mentioned/indicated in this report. |  | This emailer is intended only for Citibank customers and does not tantamount to spamming. You are advised to contact Citibank to clarify any questions you may have with regard to any information contained in this emailer. Citibank N.A., Citigroup, Inc. and/or any of their affiliates/associates have no liability whatsoever to any person on account of the use of information provided herein and the said information is provided on a best-effort basis. |  | Please do not reply to this mail as it is a computer generated mail. For further information, please follow the instructions mentioned above. |  |  | To unsubscribe, Click here | Do not want to be disturbed? Click here |  | DON'T HAVE AN IPIN (INTERNET PASSWORD)? Click here to select one online instantly! | |  |  | |  |  | |  | | |  | |  | |
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