Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Your Sony PC Protection Expires 26/12/2009

Your Sony PC Protection Expired 26/12/2009

McAfee  |  Vaio Recommended
EXPIRED 26/12/2009
Red X SN
A$59.95 - 1 Year A$109.95 - 2 Year A$155.95 - 3 Year

Risk-Free Renewal: 30-day, 100% refund policy—you can cancel your
subscription online without having to hunt for receipts or drive to the store.

McAfee Internet Security
Developed specifically for your Sony PC
Your protection maximizes security, speed and seamless operation on your Sony PC.

Faster PC performance
Major enhancements include faster scans and updates, giving you improved PC performance (vs. 2009 product).

Completely redesigned home screen
Monitor protection status (and threats blocked) at a glance with our all-new, easy-to-use security status area.

Simplified management and alerts
Re-configured system gives you crucial product alerts that are less intrusive and easier to understand.

Idle Timer and Scheduler
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QuickClean for PC health
Updated QuickClean safely removes junk files that slow down your computer.
McAfee Active Protection™ technology
Provides the fastest protection against malicious threats. New hazards are analyzed and blocked in milliseconds, rather than hours.

Shows whether a website is malware-safe before you click. Also alerts you to sites that may attempt identity theft by "phishing."

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Anti-spam/email protection
Advanced identification capabilities prevent spam from clogging your inbox.

Enhanced parental controls
Improved filtering allows you to manage your children's online usage more effectively.

Click now.    One Year   |   Two Years   |   Three Years

Please note: Some users may be required to reinstall after purchase to take advantage of new product features.

†AV-Test.org malware detection results published in ComputerBild magazine (Issue 26, 5 December 2009)

[ You are currently subscribed as: md.adnan77@gmail.com ]

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