Friday 15 January 2010

Welcome to join IndRes-Jmi google group and few starting points

Hi All,

It was really touching experience to talk to you in Jamia about the vision of having some research/startup coming out of department.

I have set up a google group and those of you are passionate about it, please join the group and set an example which others have to follow for years to come. Since we are starting from scratch we need few people to come forward and see how as students you can help yourself by help of Alumnis.

Few tips from my side.

0. Join the group, avoid joining if not your cup of tea. Also, please spread the word to people who might be interested.

1. Starting a talk series: Invite 1-2 alumni every 2-3 months to know about industry life, what excites them, trends etc. These talks could be opened to all the 4 years.

2. In my recent visit to Bangalore , I found an initiative from DCE called step2, I am still in talks with the founders and try to get the best practices from them. Please feel free to look at their website and see what works for us and what not.

Jamia Group

Group I have created for Jamia (which we can later extend to other collges, if needed)

Group name:

Protocol : Try to identify your interest and strength and write an intro mail (brief) on the group, so that others will come to know about you.

Core Team

Also to help for the initiative we have already two group managers, In cc is Saleem and Shariq.


Is a 2007 (Saleem correct me if I am wrong)  graduate from computer science department and a passionate linux user, is based in Delhi.


Is a 2005 graduate from the department and a fellow classmate of mine who is working with Adobe for past few years, also based in Delhi.


Going forward we need to identify the vision and things we can execute with highest efficiency.

Extending the core team and making it student run but not alumni run initiative. :)


Thanks and Best Regards
Sachin Gaur,

More at:

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