Monday, 21 January 2013

RE: Hi


deeba ahmed has sent you a message.

Date: 1/22/2013

Subject: RE: Hi

that i will get to know when I work here....

On 01/21/13 8:51 PM, Mohd Adnan wrote:
what diference you find working abroad and here? ;-)

how long you had been in Delhi
Where do you live in delhi.?

On 01/20/13 10:56 PM, deeba ahmed wrote:
-------------------- me not married.....

On 01/18/13 9:26 AM, Mohd Adnan wrote:
koi ni...
it has been long searching job....inshallah you will get..
r u married?

On 01/17/13 10:17 PM, deeba ahmed wrote:
its too late to wish new year but a very happy new year to you new year has started with giving interviews and hunting for jobs..

On 01/05/13 12:22 AM, Mohd Adnan wrote:
yeah i m good too. job going well.
Happy New Year.
How was ur new year.?

On 01/04/13 10:32 PM, deeba ahmed wrote:
me good, hope ur good as well
still giving interviews

On 01/02/13 12:45 AM, Mohd Adnan wrote:
Hi Deeba
How are you?
How is job going?


On 11/25/12 9:31 PM, deeba ahmed wrote:
it is all described in my profile. Yes I have worked abroad, cardiff and I have in HR department of Mcdonals corporation.
On 11/25/12 9:26 PM, Mohd Adnan wrote:
You are welcome :)

you worked abroad ? where? what was the nature of ur job?


On 11/25/12 9:21 PM, deeba ahmed wrote:
hello adnan,

thanx a lot for the information but as I said marketing and finance will be completely new for me where I would be classified as a fresher may be in India. but if at any point I think of changing my stream I shall let you know.

thanks a lot for the help.

kind regards

On 11/23/12 8:16 AM, Mohd Adnan wrote:
Hi Deeba,
It seems, you have bit confusion about my company.
Basically , Sapient is "Digital Marketing & Advertising Company".
Well, we provide marketing strategies to a lot of financial Institutions like RBS,citi bank... as well as software solutions.

Its true that i am a software Engineer and working as same. but there are a lot marketing and financial guys working with us.

But anyway,its you wish. Do let me know if get interest at any point of time.


On 11/22/12 8:56 PM, deeba ahmed wrote:
thanx for recommending but I am a HR person and sapient i think is a software related company so I dont think i would fit in. but thanx for recommending.


On 11/22/12 11:28 AM, Mohd Adnan wrote:
i guess ,you have enough experience.
is Sapient any option for that.?
if you wish, do let me know.


On 11/21/12 10:23 PM, deeba ahmed wrote:
me fine thanx,
no trying my luck at jobs here...

On 11/21/12 11:45 AM, Mohd Adnan wrote:
Hi Deeba
How are you?
are you working in delhi>

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