Create your own Valentines Card
Creating your own Valentine’s card couldn’t be easier, and to help you we have supplied some Valentine’s clipart. You can find it when you select to Insert a New Image - look in the clipart tab in the festivals and holidays section and the photos tab in Festivities.
To create a card, start with a blank template in the Openzone range then insert the required clipart onto your webpage, using Insert New… Image. Drag and drop it to the position you require, make it slightly transparent, add borders or move it up or down a layer. Add a customizable graphic and some text and save your card. It’s that simple.
To create a PDF to print out or email to your friends, go to the File Manager and check the box next to the page and then select the PDF button. PDF is the industry standard format for an electronic document. You can now select your paper size, margins, image compression, grey-scale and whether you want the background to be removed. Select ‘Generate PDF for your PDF that you can then save to your computer for printing or sending as an attachment in an email.
Valentine Card One | Valentine Card Two | Valentine Card Three
Share Some Love
The ’14 Days of Love’ campaign encourages people to ‘share some love’ about a great local business by writing fantastic testimonials about the service or product . So this seems a good time to remind you about the power and use of testimonials in your business.
What other people say about you is ten times more important than what you say about yourself. So are you doing enough to capture feedback and then use it in your marketing? Here are a few pointers as to how you can use your testimonials to get more business:
- A good testimonial will substantiate your claims and help overcome scepticism. Use them to highlight how your product or service will make people’s lives easier, simpler and save them time and money.
- Make sure you use testimonials that are relevant to your target audience. People will relate to comments from people that are similar or in a similar position to themselves, so give some thought as to which testimonials you use when marketing to different groups.
- Put a testimonial video on your website, recorded in person is best but you can use written testimonials and photos in a video piece. See Animoto below
Share testimonials via social media. If someone says great things about you make sure you let everyone know about it on your Twitter feed, Facebook Fanpage and with Linkedin endorsements. Its great content to drip feed out to ensure your followers have a great perception of your business.
Reward people – if someone gives you a great testimonial make sure you reward them for it. By doing so the chances are they will tell even more people about you and help spread the word to potential customers.
Free Video Animoto is a great little video tool that will allow you to insert images and text and within minutes it will churn out a rather nice video.
Then you can embed the video into your website using the ‘insert a new’ HTML snippet.
Give it a try.
Do you use social networks?
Social networking is big business. With over 800 million users on Facebook alone and a prediction from a major analyst that number will have topped 1 billion by August, integrating your website with your social networking accounts is one of the best ways to reach and expand your audience.
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