Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Geeta Engineering College Panipat Announces Second National Conference on "Emerging Trends in Engineering" NCETIE-2012

Dear Sir/Madam


The Geeta Group of Institutions (GGI),Panipat  is accepting Technical Papers for presentation and publication  for  " National Conference  on Emerging Trends in Engineering" on  13th-14thApril, 2012 to be   Organized by Geeta Engineering College ,Naultha ,Panipat.


This is an opportunity for presenters to describe and demonstrate the potentially effective strategies, programs, and models related to their topics. Presentations may be either in a MS-WORD or PDF format.  Papers should be tailored to fit within a 5-10 minutes time frame and must include time for audience questions, a PowerPoint or other electronic format presentation, and handouts for participants. 

Proposed conference selections will be made based on the review criteria and the needs of the Conference


Venue:  Seminar Hall, Geeta Engineering College, Naultha, Panipat


The Deadline for Abstract Submission:  15th March 2012


The Deadline for Acceptance notification:  25th March 2012


The Deadline for Paper submission: 31st March 2012


The Deadline for Registration alongwith the fee submission: 5th April 2012.


We therefore request you to participate in this program and kindly forward the nomination.


Registration Fee should be in Indian Rupees:


Participants from Academia and Industry = Rs 1000/-

Student Authors (Research Scholars) = Rs 750/-


Registration fee covers registration kit, working lunch session tea on the day of conference.


*Accommodation Available 


Note: - Paper Format, Registration Form and Themes of Conference are attached herewith 

           Send your papers only at



Er. Deepak Juneja

Head Department of Mechanical Engineering

Geeta Engineering College, Panipat



Co Convener

Er. Pankaj Bajaj

Head CSE & IT Department

Geeta Engineering College, Panipat



Organizing secretary

Er. Jaipal Dahiya

Head ECE Department

Geeta Engineering College




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