This is an abode in which is the clear demonstration of the wrath of Allah azzawajal. Just as there is no end to his mercy and grace, which can not be understood by the human mind, in the same way, there is no limits to his wrath. All the pain, suffering and torment that a person can imagine is very unparallel compared to the wrath of Allah. That which has been mentioned in the Quran and Hadith concerning the wrath of Allah is being briefly explained in this discussion, so that Muslims may read this and ask refuge from the wrath of Allah, and that they should abstain from those practices which will lead them towards hell. It is in the Hadith Shareef that when a person asks for refuge from hell, then Jahanum requests Allah azzawajal to grant him refuge. The Quran has warned us on many occasions to fear Hell and stay away from those things which lead one towards hell. As a means to educate us, our beloved Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) would often ask refuge from the fire of Hell
The flames and sparks of jahanum will be as high as huge mansions. When leaping into the sky, the flames will seem like a caravan of yellow camels. Man and stone are the fuel of Jahanum. The fire of the world is one portion of the seventy portions of the fire of hell. The lowest form of punishment is this, that a person will be made to wear shoes of fire and this will cause his brains to boil like a copper pot boils. He will think that he is receiving the worst punishment, whereas he will be facing the least punishment. Allah azzawajal will ask him if he had the entire earth, would he give it in return for refuge from this torment. He will reply in the positive. Allah azzawajal will say that when he was in the spine of Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) then Allah asked him only obey one thing and that was never to make kufr and he did not take heed to this. The fire of Jahanum has been fanned for a thousand of years until it became red. It was then fanned for another thousand years until it became white. It was then fanned for another thousand years until it turned black. It is now completely black, wherein there is no sign of light. Hazrat Jibraeel (alaihis salaam) took and oath to the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and said, 'If the doors of Jahanum are opened even equivalent to the point of a needle, then all the people on earth will die due to the intensity of the heat.' He then swore an oath and said, 'If the warden of Jahanum had to appear to the people then all of them would die due to his fierce appearance.' He also took and oath and said, 'If one link from the chains of a jahanami has to be placed on a mountain, then it would begin to tremble, and it will not be able to bear this until it will finally sink deep into the earth.'
The fire of this world is so intense and there is none who can dispute this. In hot weather it is extremely difficult to stand near a fire. This fire, begs Allah azzawajal never to enter it into the fire of hell again and amazingly man seems to have no fear and does all that which will lead him into hell. Man does not fear that fire which even the fire fears. Allah azzawajal alone knows the dept of Jahanum. It is in the Hadith Shareef, that if pillar of rock is thrown into Jahanum from outside it, then even after travelling for seventy years, it will not reach the bottom of hell, whereas if a person throws a ball from the heights of the sky in the morning will reach earth by night. Hell has numerous valleys, levels and wells. There are certain dungeons in hell from which even hell itself asks refuge seventy times a day or even more than this. There are numerous punishments which the Kaafirs will face in Jahanum. The Angels will beat them with such heavy iron rods that if one rod has to be kept on earth, than all the humans and jins together will not be able to lift it off the ground. There are massive snakes and scorpions in hell that look like long necked camels. Their stings and bites are so venomous and painful, that the pain and effect will be felt for a thousand years.
The jahanamis will be given so hot water, like oil that has been boiled to its highest intensity. When they bring it close to their mouths, the intense heat will cause the skin on their faces to fall off. Boiling water will be poured onto their heads. They will be given the matter to drink which passes from the body of the jahanamis. They will be given thorny fruits to eat. The foul smell of these fruits is so intense, that if one piece of it falls on earth the entire cycle of humanity will be effected. When they are hungry, they will be given these fruits to eat.When they eat it, its thorny nature will cause it to be lodged in the throat. They will ask for water and they will be given water that is so hot, that when it reaches their bowl, it will cause the intestines to disintegrate and flow out of the body. They will rush towards water like camels that are tired due to intense heat.
When the kufaar become weary of the punishment, they will discuss with one another and agree to summon Hazrat Maalik (alaihis salaam), who is the gate keeper of Hell. They will say, 'Please end our lives' Hazrat Maalik (alaihis salaam) will not reply to them for one thousand years. After a thousand years he will say, 'Do not call to me. Call out to Him, Whom you have disobeyed.' They will then call out to Allah azzawajal with his merciful names for a thousand years. Allah azzawajal will not reply to them for a thousand years. After this time, He will say, "Be off. Remain in Jahanum and do not call out to me." The Kufaar will then become disillusioned and will scream and wail like donkeys. They will cry so bitterly that deep scars will form on their faces. They will cry blood and matter instead of tears. The blood and matter will be so much that ships would be able to sail in them.
The jahamis will be so ugly that if one jahanami has to be brought onto earth then all the people on earth will die due to his ugliness and foul odor. The bodies of the Jahamis will be inflated to such an extent, that to travel from one shoulder to the other shoulder will take three days on fast horse. Their skins will become forty two yards thick and their tongues will hang out of their mouths for one to two miles distance. The place, where they sit, will be like the distance between Makkah and Madinah. They will sit in Jahanum with twisted faces. Their upper lip will stretch up to the top of their heads and their lower lip will hang over their navels. The form of the kufaar in Jahanum will not be the form of humans, because Allah azzawajal created the form of humans as the best of moulds and more so, because it is the example of the appearance of the beloved Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). The form of the Jahanamis will be that which has been explained above.
Finally the kufaar will be placed into caskets of fire equivalent to their heights. A lock of fire will be placed onto this casket and this casket will be placed into another casket of fire with fire between it and a lock on it. These will then be placed into a third casket and then thrown into the depths of Hell. The person in each casket will think that he is the only one left in hell. This will be the most intense punishment and it will be forever. When the Jannatis enter Jannat and those that are to remain in hell are in hell, then death will be brought in the form of a ram on a bridge between heaven and hell. All the dwellers of heaven and hell will be summoned. The Jannatis will fear that they are to be removed from Jannat and the Jahamis will think that they have received refuge from hell. They will be asked if they recognised the ram and all will say that it is death. The ram will then be slaughtered and it will be said, 'Death is no more. O Jannatis remain in Jannat forever and O Jahamis remain in Jahanum forever. The Jannatis will be ecstatic with happiness and the Jahanamis will be sad forever.
"We pray that Allah azzawajal pardons us and favors us with His Mercy in this world and in the hereafter"
"We pray that Allah azzawajal pardons us and favors us with His Mercy in this world and in the hereafter"
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